We always recommend a visual check before any major purchase. The conversion used is IEC 61966:2-1 D50 adapted which may differ from other conversions.These comparisons should therefore be taken as a guide only. However, if selection is from a scanned or digital photograph on the screen, please also be aware that RGB values can also be affected by lighting, sunlight, shade, camera settings and the scanning or editing application/software used. If selecting the RGB values from a website, you can use the colour picker in Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. In addition, colours can appear different depending on the type of monitor and the progamme/software application.
RGB values or representations can vary by programme, application and age of the screen or the computer. This example shows how to adjust the saturation of a color image by converting the image to. Please note that RGB and sRGB are methods to represent colours on a screen/monitor and cannot necessarily be reproduced in paint or printed ink colours. Convert Between RGB and HSV Color Spaces - MATLAB & Simulink. Convert RGB values to the nearest standard colour